InnerSoul Sound Tables
Our original intention in the construction of our first sound table was to enhance the transformative and healing aspects of our personal sessions and for our own meditation practices. What we discovered was amazing. The InnerSoul Sound Tables places the physical body in a deep state of relaxation in minutes, allowing you to step out of the mind and enter the inner realms of meditation with ease. During personal sessions it allows the client to ‘let go’ of the daily stresses and allow the energy work to flow within them freely. It became evident quickly the benefits were more numerous then we first thought. Beyond the physical relaxation and quieting of ones mind it became apparent the table could be used for pain management, reducing muscle tension and other stress related conditions.
The true beauty of this vibroacoustic technology is the ease in using it. Simply play the music or frequencies of your choosing to direct a desired outcome and then lie back, close your eyes, take a couple of deep relaxing breathes and in 20 to 30 minutes you are transformed through effortless participation; the music and vibrations do all the work. Your results can include lowered blood pressure, increased circulation and deep states of relaxation providing a calmer more joyful outlook on life, as well as, a peaceful and energized You.
For more on our custom InnerSoul Sound Tables, Mats and Chairs click here.

Workshop Facilitators
Deborah & Stephen Deuel are Multi-dimensional Energy & Sound Practitioners who together combine over 30 years of experience in sound, energy work, vibroacoustic therapy and spiritual facilitation to present remarkable experiential workshops.
As a Spiritual Facilitator, Deborah draws on her conscious awareness and experiences of her multi-dimensional self. Deborah’s spiritual and metaphysical experiences trace back to early childhood. She has been consciously aware of her interaction with the Eternal Masters in the Inner Wisdom Temples since 1997 and has counseled many on becoming aware of their own multi-dimensional gifts and attributes. Deborah is also a writer and artist. She has written several articles on spiritual and life perspectives, much of which can be found on this website. Her artwork, mainly abstract in nature, presents a dynamic and fanciful use of color and symmetry and reflects her connection with Spirit.
Stephen is a Multi-dimensional Sound & Energy Practitioner who is consciously aware of his teaching and facilitating healing work beyond the physical realm. He now brings that awareness and knowledge forward into this realm through practical applications, as both Mystic and Minister, and he offers these powerful and transforming energy technologies through his personal sessions, workshops and lectures.
Stephen is the originator of the Vibrational Technologies™, Personal Ascension & Light Code Activation™ – a workshop that activates Personal Light Codes and Sacred Energetic Geometric Forms, Chakra Balancing with Tuning Forks™ and Conscious Inner Travel™ Workshops. He is a leading authority in Vibroacoustic Technology and the designer and manufacturer of InnerSoul Sound Tables, Mats and Chairs™. More
Personal Ascension & Light Code Activation Workshop
Building Sacred Energetic Geometries & Activating Light Codes
within the Personal Grid Using Sound & Energy
The Personal Ascension & Light Code Activation Workshop has been updated for working with the New Energies that are upon us since Dec. 21, 2012. This remarkable experiential 2-day workshop is an advanced energy workshop that deals with Light code activations, intent, self-empowerment and personal ascension. You will learn and experience the building and activating of 12 Sacred Energetic Geometries in your personal electromagnetic grid system to increase awareness, activate your personal light codes and further Higher-Self communication; empowering you to embrace your 'Heart Song'
The 12 Sacred Energetic Geometric forms are multi-dimensional tools for personal growth and accession. When each form is activated through the specific Light Codes set, a multi-dimensional connection for information and conscious awareness is created. Each energetic geometry interacts with the light codes forming a new set of higher frequencies. This new frequency then entrains the person within the form, thus raising the Light Frequency of that person. This enhances the person’s accessibility to the awareness level made available by the geometric form. You can then integrate this new vibration into your personal ‘Life Song’. ('Life Song' is a term we use to refer to the unique, personal presentation of your energetic frequency in the now moment of time.)
During the workshop we demonstrate and explain the building and activation of each geometric form. Each participant takes part in receiving, building and activating each of the 12 geometric forms within each other’s grid systems. Each geometric form and corresponding Light Codes are energetically activated. Our intent during the workshop is for you to become aware of the different frequencies of energy that flows through you during the receiving and the application and activations of each form. Once the Geometry is formed in your personal grid and the whole Geometry is activated with sound, or frequencies, or energy; then the light energy nodes are activated along with the appropriate Light Codes. These Energetic Geometries utilize specific Light Codes as the Keys that unlock and activate each node or point of light energy in the individual Geometries, allowing the Geometry to become whole and functional within your personal grid. At this point the geometric form becomes a conscious part of you; to access and aid in your growth, to aid in communication with higher aspects of your Being,
to enhance your individual higher abilities.
"This workshop will change your life. It is not an 'earth shattering' change, but subtle and most definitely profound. My life has changed so much for the better since I have taken your workshop and so has the lives of others that I know who have taken it. Thank you." Trisha Adams, Mt. Ida, Arkansas.
The number of participants in the workshop is limited to allow for personalized interaction. Ample time is given to discuss the awareness experienced from each individual geometric form, the energies, frequencies and colors involved with each activation and allowing each person to develop their own personal reference points for future growth and experimentation of each form.
"Thank you Stephen and Deborah Deuel for imparting these tools for Ascension. The weekend introduced us to realizing the true potentials lying dormant in all of us. I come to the workshop with a background of having not much experience in identifying energy fields much less being able to see it. But through your guidance and your very compassionate energy, I was able to feel, hear and identify, but was also blessed in being able to see the energy manifested in it's physical form. I was really blessed in being introduced to such a powerful set of tools for Ascension."
Sundari Allampudi, Dallas, TX
What are the Energetic Geometric Forms About?
- Bringing about Greater Clarity & Connection to Ones Higher Self
- Initiation into the Awareness of Higher Consciousness & Higher Planes of Existence
- Expanded Awareness of the Connection to the Cosmic Consciousness
- Clear Communication & Unity between the Chakras & the Energetic System
- Activating Personal Light Codes, Enhancement of Multi-Strand DNA Activation
- Accessing Ancient Wisdom & Knowledge from the Universal Intelligence
- Evolving to a Higher Level of Vibratory Frequencies
- Strengthen the Building Blocks of Ascension
- Enhancing Communication to Integrate Past & Present into the Now Point
- Experiencing Divine Love
Our intention is to help to increase ones awareness and enhance ones ability to work with Energies, creating a greater sense of empowerment in whatever way fits the individual.
"This was a phenomenal workshop. The pacing and interaction was just right. Stephen and Deborah put all the educational principals into place. I feel honored and blessed to have participated in this expansive experience. There isn’t anything that needs to change. This knowledge is truly important on many levels at the same time. Thank you!!"
Susan Mills, Houston, TX
This workshop is open to the general public. Due to the time allowed for this workshop, it would be preferred if participants have an understanding of basic energetic principles and an understanding of energetic body work such as Reiki, Vibrational Technologies or other Vibrational Healing modalities. This workshop is mainly experiential in nature and includes a manual.
How did the workshop come to be?
Sacred Energetic Geometry is an interesting term but lets define what it means for us as the facilitator of this workshop. As a Sound and Energy Practitioner, we work within the etheric or energetic field around the clients body, hence the use of the term Energetic. Since June of 1999, this energetic work contained extended work in the energy field with the energetic etheric grids, now being referred to as the axiatonal grids. While working with clients using the energy modality called Vibrational Technologies, Stephen began to become aware of new formations within the energetic grid. These formations were in various geometric shapes. It was not long before certain formations were appearing in most everyone he worked on, however, from time to time unique personalized formations would appear for clients.
During sessions with clients, we work in a multidimensional or meditative state in order to perceive these grids and geometric formations. In this state, we work with a connection with the clients higher self as well as with one or more of the Eternal Master Healers that work with us. Through this process, we are directed to activate Energetic Geometrical structures within their personal grids.
Most of you are aware of the geometric shape of the star tetrahedron, it is one of the more frequent shapes that appears to Stephen for activation within a clients grid and it aids in activating of the energetic Merkaba within our energy fields. The term activation refers to a process where energy is used to trace and engage the etheric lines that we perceive. By doing this, the lines of the shapes then begin to light up or glow. This confirms for us, their activation.
Lately, there are more and more geometric shapes being activated. The result of this Energetic Geometry work is the activation, or firing up of Light Codes that are specific to each individual. The higher vibratory rates that are present on the Earth plane at this time have enabled us to work with and integrate these Light Codes into our healing and our evolving, ascending conscious awareness.
Various platonic solids are activated in the field, as well as an ongoing unique parade of other geometric forms. One of the most intricate energetic geometries that Stephen activated for a client is a shape resembling a round brilliant cut diamond with all 58 facets. Another frequent shape is a cube, which is constructed out of six individual, 4-sided pyramids with the apexes meeting in the center. This is activated in the upper portion of the physical body.
You may wonder how this Energetic Geometry came about for us. Stephen first started working with these energetic geometries in 2000, after downloading Light Codes from a spectacular crystal that he rescued from a copper accumulator cage, which the crystal had been placed in and utilized as a component of a geometric activation beacon which also incorporated the Mitchell - Hedges Crystal Skull. The cage and crystal had been abandoned after its use in the beacon, for two years by the creator of the beacon, and had been left out in the mud and elements on the mountain property that Deborah owned. When Stephen discovered this on the property and released this beautiful crystal from the cage, it had nearly no life force. After a day and night of freedom absorbing sun, moon and stars, we took it to meditate with. First, Deborah was guided to run a series of colored energy through it as if to give it a color bath. After that it was vibrant and alive. Then she was directed to give it to Stephen. "
It was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life, as a series of Light Codes that it held for me, were downloaded into my conscious and unconscious awareness. There are still codes being continuously instilled into my awareness from that download. This workshop came to being in 2005, after taking five years to assimilate this information and becoming one with it." Stephen Deuel
Those that we work with seldom receive the same combination of energetic geometric light code activations. They receive specific activations that are appropriate and specific for their life's path and their placement on that path. For us, this is part of what makes these energetic geometries Sacred, as we are guided by the higher wisdom of the client to meet their needs. From this we have observed with our self and with our clients, new or enhanced healing abilities, increased awareness, or life changes that reflect their higher purpose. These results have become commonplace with this energetic work that we do called Vibrational Technologies.
Workshop is facilitated by Stephen & Deborah Deuel
email at
Katherine Keilman, Houston, TX
Cost of workshop in Lewiston, NY - $250
Includes Workshop and Manual.
A Deposit of $100 will hold your place.
Workshop Hours: 10 am - 6 pm both days
Light Lunch included
Space is limited to enable personalized interaction.
To register for the workshop click here
Feedback from the
Personal Ascension & Light Code Activation Workshop
"This was a phenomenal workshop. The pacing and interaction was just right. Stephen and Deborah put all the educational principals into place. I feel honored and blessed to have participated in this expansive experience. There isn’t anything that needs to change. This knowledge is truly important on many levels at the same time.
Thank you!!"
Susan Mills, Houston, TX
"The Personal Ascension & Light Code Activation workshop has given me a greater understanding of my place in the new story evolving in our consciousness. Working with the sacred geometries and experiencing the activations of each form provides an opportunity to access higher aspects of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings of light and energy. Truly a life-enhancing experience.
Teressena Bakens, Hot Springs, AR
"Excellent and very timely class for me – the work I learned this weekend will be incorporated with my current skills. Beautiful experience. Looking forward to practicing these forms for myself, and watching others experience them. The hands on work through each form was especially appreciated."
Katherine Keilman, Houston, TX
"The Sacred Energetic Geometry is an amazing workshop. The energy was beautiful and working with geometric forms was fun and empowering... You do very important work... Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom."
Nance MacLeod, PhD – NOTL, Canada
"It created and inner awareness and connection for me that is both profound and Sacred. My depth, perception and awareness has opened up significantly and I'm excited to explore and discover. Thank you for the gift of helping me trust my own inner wisdom. You both have touched my heart and life"
Kristen Van Wey, TN
"Thank you Stephen and Deborah Deuel for imparting these tools for Ascension. The weekend introduced us to realizing the true potentials lying dormant in all of us. I came to the workshop with a background of having not much experience in identifying energy fields much less being able to see it. But through your guidance and your very compassionate energy, I was able to feel, hear and identify, but was also blessed in being able to see the energy manifested in it's physical form. I was really blessed in being introduced to such a powerful set of tools for Ascension."
Sundari Allampudi, Dallas, TX
"Larisa and I really appreciated the experience from the workshop, and the wonderful energy shared amongst all of us! We're seeing profound changes in our lives, consciousness expanding, and energies becoming more transparent as we continue working and developing our sacred geometry. Wei Kwok, Avon, CT
"Awesome Workshop!! Both of you (Deborah and Stephen) compliment each other and the Sacred work of Energy Work. I feel like you have activated a whole new source of information available to me for the use of the betterment of mankind. Thank you both! My only other comment is that this work needs to be taught more - keep up the good work. Just like the (Sound) Tables, the workshop is awesome and Sacred."
And two months later:
I must Thank you and Deborah for your teachings."
Tim Janak, Sr., LMT, Houston, TX -
"Your workshop activated my intuition and access to guidance from my higher self. I have learned to trust this guidance. Thank you. - Julie Dawdy, OK
"Considering this was the first energy workshop I had attended, it was amazing to see how natural it seemed to work with it once it was brought into my awareness. The length of the class and the forms that were shared were perfect - from the standpoint of time and complexity. It felt like I was back to connect up and remember a lot of old friendships that were shared. I feel this is the start of another journey for yet another transformation. Thank you for sharing your time and energy with us." Vidya, Dallas, TX
"Deborah and Stephen have a wonderful energy. Loved the way Stephen shared his knowledge. The use of the vibroacoustic table was a great enhancer. Groups of 3 worked well under the coaching of either Deborah or Stephen. Not what I expected – the course was better!"
Gregory B. - Ontario, Canada
"This was a wonderful experience to do the workshop with you both. The energy and the work was great and very comforting. I would like to thank you for bringing this to Niagara."
Maria VanLeewen, Niagara Region, Canada
"The course was uniquely different than anything I have ever taken so far. In this day of discordant energies running around rampant, these are pleasantly productive tools that can allow one to create a world of beauty and oneness in this great time of need. Thanks."
Lynn Kranyak, Ontario, Canada
"Your class on Sacred Energetic Geometry this past weekend was more than fabulous! Thanks to the both of your for your hard work, great food and wonderful insights into this fascinating subject -- and for answering all questions! Our new sound table will be set up tonight and I can barely wait. Did I say we were delighted and thrilled!!!" - Diane & Brad Masters, MO
If you wish to arrange a workshop for a minimum of 6 people outside of Lewiston, NY, please email us at The base cost of this workshop outside of Lewiston, NY and in the US or Canada is generally $250 per person. Added to that will be our estimated costs for travel and workshop room rental and any sponsor costs. This workshop is designed for minimum of 6 and maximum of 9 participants.
Registration fees and deposits are 100% refundable up until 30
days prior to the workshops,
50% refundable 29 days until 14 days prior to the workshops. Fees are
non - refundable thereafter. We accept good checks, cash, Visa,
MasterCard and PayPal.