Vibroacoustic Products
Our original intention in the construction of our first sound table was to enhance the transformative and healing aspects of our personal sessions and for our own meditation practices.
What we discovered was amazing.
The InnerSoul Sound Tables places the physical body in a deep state of relaxation in minutes, allowing you to step out of the mind and enter the inner realms of meditation with ease. Synergetic with massage, energy and sound modalities, the sound tables, mats and chairs allows the client to release the daily stresses and allow the energy work to flow within them freely.
Evidence quickly developed showing the benefits were more numerous then we first thought. Beyond the physical relaxation and quieting of the mind, it became apparent the vibroacoustic products could be used for pain management, reducing muscle tension and other stress related conditions.
The true beauty of this vibroacoustic technology is the ease in using it. Simply play the music or frequencies of your choosing to direct a desired outcome and then lie back, close your eyes, take a couple of deep relaxing breaths.
Within 20 to 30 minutes you are transformed through effortless participation. The music and vibrations do all the work. Your results can include lowered blood pressure, increased circulation and deep states of relaxation providing a calmer more joyful outlook on life, as well as, a peaceful and energized you.
New Tranquility
Liquid Sound Table
All InnerSoul Vibroacoustic Tables, Chairs and Mats use Advanced Technology Transducers providing incredibly accurate and smooth vibration. The transducers deliver a tactile range from 10 Hz to 1100 Hz so cleanly the brain interprets the stimulus asSound, not Shaking. You become one with the music and vibration in a way not possible before.
For more on our InnerSoul Sound Tables, Mats and Chairs click here.
Frequency CDs and MP3s for Sound Tables, Mats and Chairs
Inner Soulutions produces a growing number of Frequency CDs and MP3s for any vibroacoustic products. We have Four Series of CDs - Energy & Balancing, Pain Management, Muscle & Structure and Human Body (organs) Series.We also have a growing number of VibroAcoustic Music as well.
For more info, click here.
Stephen Deuel
Managing Director Inner Soulutions LLC - Member of the International Society for Vibroacoustics, Sound Healers Association and Sound Healing Network and a Vibroacoustic Consultant and researcher with over 25 yrs. experience in Alternative Sound & Energy Healing.
Stephen is a leading authority, Teacher, Lecturer and Innovator on Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) which applies sound and frequencies you can feel to the body for therapeutic treatments, balance, self-empowerment and spiritual awakening.
Innovator of sound energy workshops: Tools for Ascension (activating energetic geometries within the personal grid for spiritual empowerment), Vibrational Technologies (ascension frequency tuning forks & grid geometry activations for balance, empowerment and awakening) and Vibroacoustic Technology, Stephen also produces Therapeutic and Ascension Frequency CD's and is the developer and manufacture of InnerSoul Sound Tables, Chairs, Mats and Liquid Sound Tables.
Deborah Deuel, NHC
Director Inner Soulutions LLC, Deborah has been a Natural Health Consultant since 1995 and now specializes as a Spiritual Facilitator, Teacher, Lecturer and Author on human nature and spiritual awakening. Deborah draws on her conscious awareness and experiences of her multi-dimensional self. Deborah’s spiritual and metaphysical experiences trace back to early childhood. She has been consciously aware of her interaction with the Eternal Masters in the Inner Wisdom Temples since 1997 and has counseled many on becoming aware of their own multi-dimensional gifts and attributes.
Deborah has studied a variety of energy modalities and has been a Sound & Energy Practitioner for 15+ yrs. and together with Stephen present experiential workshops, lectures and personal sessions across the US and in Canada. More
Welcome to Inner Soulutions
It has been an amazing culmination to the energies of the last few years. As with many, we here at Inner Soulutions have transitioned through a period of redefining and fine tuning our hearts desire. It is with much gratitude that we find ourselves happily relocated in western New York, close to family and the water energy of the Horseshoe and Niagara Falls. After a decade of living in the crystal energy of Hot Springs, Arkansas, we bring that connection here to merge with the amazing energetics of the waterfalls.
Growth and change are an ongoing part of our existence. As we embrace the new year, we welcome the new opportunities to explore our journey and the path that unfolds before us. We invite you to check out our schedule of upcoming events listed below. We appreciate the patience many of you have afforded us while awaiting our workshops to begin again. Please check in with our site to keep abreast of the new opportunities we will be offering.
InnerSoul Liquid Sound Table
The Liquid Light Table
Check out our 4th of July Sale
at our New website
News and Upcoming Events:
- New Meet-up Group: Working with Sound for Higher Consciousness
- New Workshops - we will be at Ruby Dragon in Morro Bay, CA February 26, 27 & 28, 2016.
Vibroacoustics, Sacred Geometry, Sound and Chakras - click for more info
- Deborah’s book: " Transcending Human Nature – Exploring the Human- Spiritual Journey of Who We Are".
- Stephen's New Book (2016): "Vibroacoustics - Harmonize Your Life with Sound"
Our continued heartfelt thanks and gratitude to you for the love, support and growth of our InnerSoul Sacred Sound Healing and Empowerment products. We will continue to do our very best to bring forward quality sound products to assist with personal empowerment and enhanced quality of life. We have some fun changes coming down the road and we hope you will find our journey part of yours.
Inner Soulutions founding Directors Stephen and Deborah Deuel continue to acknowledge that each individual's path of exploration into the Self is valid and that no one journey is of higher value than that of another.
Stephen and Deborah are experienced Sound Energy Practitioners trained in several modalities. Stephen is a specialist in Vibroacoustics (applied sound vibration) and Deborah specializes in Spiritual Facilitation.
Together, they offer tools to assist you to create a sense of peace and balance during life’s shifts. The products, workshops and information originate from their years of experience and research. They train and assist people to embrace a life of transformation and spiritual awakening through self-empowerment and your divine wisdom. The products and workshops we offer, work with your individual path and placement on your journey.
May the energies of grace and joy journey with you through 2015, lifting away the veils of confusion and frustration to discover the potential that is awakening within.
Upcoming Events & Workshops
We will be at Ruby Dragon in Morro Bay, CA February 26, 27 & 28 2016.
Vibroacoustics, Sacred Geometry, Sound and Chakras - click for more info
New Book
Transcending Human Nature: Exploring the Human/Spiritual Journey of All that We Are
explores the dynamics of human behaviors and how those behaviors can influence our personal spiritual evolution, as the author weaves her personal journey and experience throughout the chapters. We are all endowed with certain human qualities that are influenced and shaped by our external environment and our experiences as we grow up. This book takes a look at the different behaviors with an alternative perspective based on the author’s experience and spiritual evolution.
“As the author I will share how my journey has revealed that which was once hidden from me and perhaps is still hidden from you at this moment. My hope is that as I write this and continue with the unfolding of my personal spiritual path, that I may once again inspire and engage people to remember and explore more fully the incorporating of the Human Self with the Spiritual Essence that We All Are.” Deborah
Meet up Group - Working with Sound for Higher Consciousness
Registration required
Feb 2016
We will be in Morro Bay, CA
Talks and workshops the weekends of
Feb 20 and 27, 2016
Stay Tuned...
Creating InnerSoul Sacred Healing Instruments

“At Inner Soulutions we consider the InnerSoul Sound Tables, Mats and Chairs as Sacred Healing Instruments and they are created with Love and Intent. As the creator, my intention is that each of my ‘babies’ will raise the consciousness of all who partake of their sonic embrace. Perhaps only one individual will use it, perhaps thousands … this is one of my contributions to helping the world’s inhabitants to evolve into higher states of consciousness.
Each table, mat and chair (several hundred so far) is completed in our Healing and Ascension Room, within the vortex created by the pyramid hanging over our Sound Water Table, with master crystals, minerals and Harmonizers. The energies that permeate the vortex chamber are absorbed by each Sound Table, Chair and Sound Mat.
Our intent is to hold the specific person and their purpose in thoughts as the product is completed. We have had Musicians, Sound Healers as well as Grammy Award winners send us their CDs to play during this process to enhance our ‘tuning in’ to them and their energies. Providing these products to the world is what brings joy and purpose to our hearts.” Stephen Deuel
Quartz Crystal
Orbs in Our Dolphin Meditation Room
InnerSoul Sound Tables, Mats and Chairs
New Tarot -"The Fifth" which brings back the lost suit.
Resonates with the Raising Frequencies of our times.
Created by our dear friends. Click for more...